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Code Editor

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Selenite features a code editor akin to VScode and dedicated to writing GEOS XML.

It provides you with a smart auto complete, as well as a smart hover which contains descriptions and links to relevant parts of GEOS Docs.

Selenite also includes an integration between this code editor and the graph editor, which you can read more about in the next section. (TODO: Add link)


Several commands are available. Commands are actions that you can trigger either with a button, a context menu or a keyboard shortcut. Note that some commands may become unavailable based on the context (example: (Live Preview)[TODO]).

Autocomplete (Ctrl+Space)

Open a GEOS XML aware autocomplete list. You can navigate with arrow keys and validate with Enter.

Open (Ctrl+O)

Opens an XML file stored on the user’s machine.

Download (Ctrl+D)

Download the XML file currently displayed in the code editor.

Clear (Ctrl+C)

Delete all text in the code editor.


Change the name of the downloaded file.

You can change the name by clicking the name in the top toolbar of the code editor.

Format (Ctrl+Shift+F)

Format the XML in the code editor. If the XML is invalid, it will not execute.