

  • Parameters

    • params: {
          accumulating?: {
              active(): boolean;
              destroy(): void;
          area?: AreaPlugin<Schemes, AreaExtra>;
          arrange?: AutoArrangePlugin<Schemes, never>;
          comment?: CommentPlugin<Schemes, AreaExtra>;
          editor: NodeEditor;
          history?: HistoryPlugin<Schemes>;
          makutuClasses?: MakutuClassRepository;
          xmlSchemas?: Record<string, undefined | XmlSchema>;
      • Optionalaccumulating?: {
            active(): boolean;
            destroy(): void;
        • active:function
          • Returns boolean

        • destroy:function
          • Returns void

      • Optionalarea?: AreaPlugin<Schemes, AreaExtra>
      • Optionalarrange?: AutoArrangePlugin<Schemes, never>
      • Optionalcomment?: CommentPlugin<Schemes, AreaExtra>
      • editor: NodeEditor
      • Optionalhistory?: HistoryPlugin<Schemes>
      • OptionalmakutuClasses?: MakutuClassRepository
      • OptionalxmlSchemas?: Record<string, undefined | XmlSchema>

    Returns NodeFactory


arrange?: AutoArrangePlugin<Schemes, never>
codeIntegration: CodeIntegration
comment: undefined | CommentPlugin<Schemes, AreaExtra>
connectionPathType: Writable<
    | "curve"
    | "monotone"
    | "linear"
    | "step"> = ...
connectionPlugin?: ConnectionPlugin
dataflowCache: SvelteMap<GraphNode<Record<string, Socket<SocketType, "scalar" | "array">>, {}, {}, Record<string, unknown>, Record<string, unknown>>, Record<string, unknown>> = ...
dataflowEngine: DataflowEngine<Schemes> = ...
editor: NodeEditor
effetRootCleanup: undefined | (() => void)
history: undefined | HistoryPlugin<Schemes>
id: string = ...
lastAddedNode?: GraphNode<Record<string, Socket<SocketType, "scalar" | "array">>, {}, {}, Record<string, unknown>, Record<string, unknown>>
lastSearchNodeIndex: number = -1
lastSelectedNode: undefined | GraphNode<Record<string, Socket<SocketType, "scalar" | "array">>, {}, {}, Record<string, unknown>, Record<string, unknown>> = ...
layout: NodeLayout
makutuClasses?: MakutuClassRepository
minimapEnabled: boolean = ...
modalStore: Readable<Modal> = ...
notifications: NotificationsManager = ...
pythonDataflowEngine: PythonDataflowEngine<Schemes> = ...
reactivateDataflowTimeout: null | Timeout = null
search: NodeSearch = ...
selector: NodeSelection
surfaceRect: Rect = ...
transform: {
    zoom: number;
} = ...



  • Executes callback without running dataflow engines.

    It is useful to execute multiple operations without unnecessarily running dataflow engines.


    • callback: (() => void | Promise<void>)

      Callback to execute

        • (): void | Promise<void>
        • Returns void | Promise<void>

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Moves the view to the center of the nodes, with a zoom such that all nodes are visible.


    • Optionalnodes: GraphNode<Record<string, Socket<SocketType, "scalar" | "array">>, {}, {}, Record<string, unknown>, Record<string, unknown>>[]

      Nodes to center the view on. If not provided, all nodes are used.

    Returns undefined | Promise<void>

  • Loads a graph from a save.


    • editorSaveData: {
          comments: {
              id: string;
              links: string[];
              text: string;
          connections: ConnectionSaveData[];
          editorName: string;
          graphName: string;
          id: undefined | string;
          nodes: NodeSaveData[];
          previewedNodes: string[];
          variables: Record<string, Variable> | Variable[];

      Save data to load.

      • comments: {
            id: string;
            links: string[];
            text: string;
      • connections: ConnectionSaveData[]
      • editorName: string
      • graphName: string
      • id: undefined | string
      • nodes: NodeSaveData[]
      • previewedNodes: string[]
      • variables: Record<string, Variable> | Variable[]

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters

    • T = unknown


    • id: string
    • key: string
    • Optionalvalue: T

    Returns {
        get: (() => T);
        set: ((value: T) => void);
        value: T;

    • get: (() => T)
        • (): T
        • Returns T

    • set: ((value: T) => void)
        • (value): void
        • Parameters

          • value: T

          Returns void

    • value: T